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Personal Injury Specialist

Phoenician Foot & Ankle Specialists

Podiatrist located in Scottsdale, AZ

If you suffer a personal injury that damages your foot or ankle, experienced podiatrist Nima Sana, DPM of Phoenician Foot & Ankle Specialists in Scottsdale, Arizona, can help. Dr. Sana is an expert in treating personal injuries and dealing with the processes involved if you make a compensation or insurance claim. To benefit from his expertise, call or book an appointment online today.  

Personal Injury Q&A

What is a personal injury?

A personal injury is bodily damage that you incur due to someone else’s actions or negligence. Personal injuries can happen at work, on the road, or while you’re going about your everyday activities.

However it occurs, a personal injury can result in an insurance or compensation claim. For that reason, it’s vital to seek advice from a podiatrist with experience in treating patients who have personal injury claims.

Why does a personal injury require specialized care?

There are two reasons why you need specialized care if you incur a personal injury to your foot or ankle:

Expert treatment

Dr. Sana’s expertise in foot and ankle injuries ensures that your treatment results in the most complete recovery possible. This may not always happen if you don't consult an experienced podiatrist.


Personal injury claims create a lot of paperwork, and the lawyers and insurance companies dealing with the claim require accurate records of your treatment. 

What types of personal injury do podiatrists treat?

There are various types of personal injuries affecting the feet and ankles that Dr. Sana can treat, including:

  • Cuts and puncture wounds
  • Ankle sprains
  • Ankle and foot fractures
  • Crush injuries

These injuries are some of the most common to result from accidents such as slips and falls, or if something heavy drops on your feet or ankles. Incidents like these are typical of the circumstances leading to a personal injury claim.

How is a personal injury treated?

Treatment for your personal injury depends on the diagnosis and how much pain and disability the injury causes.

Initially, Dr. Sana aims to reduce the pain, which he might achieve using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), other medications, or pain-killing injections. When the pain is under control, Dr. Sana designs an effective treatment program that optimizes healing.

Treatments in your plan could include:

  • Wound care
  • Bracing
  • Splinting
  • Taping
  • Casting
  • Custom orthotics
  • Laser treatment
  • Regenerative medicine
  • Physical therapy
  • Steroid injections

If the damage to your foot or ankle is severe and conservative methods aren't likely to heal the injury, Dr. Sana can perform surgery.

If you suffer a personal injury, call Phoenician Foot & Ankle Specialists or book an appointment online today.